This is the front of the Hotel we were the only guests. This cute little girl climbed up into my lap right at the beginning of sacrament meeting played with my necklace about 3 minutes, stared at my funny looking white skin about 5 minutes then decided I was safe. Leaned against me and slept for the rest of the meeting. Usually children this little are scared of us and won't come near us and even cry when they see us. Sister Hill is jealous that she came to me. Most of the older children like white people, probably because the missionaries are so nice to them .
On Wednesday mornings we go out and inspect missionary apartment, I look it over make sure it is somewhat clean.We make sure they have any supplies they need and Terry looks for things that need to be fixed he can fix small things with his little tool kit. He wishes he had a cordless drill. This is an apartment for 4 , their living room, the frig. and new microwave are in here, because their are no plugs in the kitchen. Pres. Hill sitting there, usually he is busy interviewing while we visit with the other missionaries.
I was so impressed today in Church all the meetings were wonderful, but in Relief Society we had a great lesson and it was taught by a lady, Sister Gloria, that had only been baptized the week before. She had been investigating the church for 3 weeks before that.
Why Africa, so I can sit in the Chief's chair in a place called the Palace, we found real Coke, Pepsi and other U.S. products. this shopping trip lasted from 9 am till 4:30 pm. Yes it can take an entire day to buy three small bags of groceries.
It was wonderfully spiritual meetings for me today as I sat in church I asked myself why Africa and why an office couple when I seemed so ill prepared for such a call and yet I am learning and growing in faith. But the following musing came to me as I contemplated these thoughts. Will we do all things we are asked, it is easy to sit in the comfort of our home and say yes. But could I know and witnessed and felt what I have while being here and in this assignment. Could my love for Heidi and respect for her talents and intelligence have grown as much as it has? D & C 101:16 "Be still and know that I am God." Are we being tested to see if we will do all things we are asked (Abraham 3:25). I reflect on Zion's Camp and my great, great, great grandfather who participated, Alden Burdick. He later died in 1845 at a younger age, faithful to the cause of Zion, prior to the Saints coming west. It was said of effects suffered during Zion's camp. There were miracles such as water found by Joesph Smith digging in a meadow, and healing's. Is this much different that the food and water provided by God to the Israelite's as they wondered in the desert with Moses. It is not enough to say I believe one must do the will do the Father. (Matt 7:21) The act of doing shows our love. John 14:15 If ye love me keep my commandments. Because we are free to act 2 Nep. 2:16 & 27 we are free to choose. What we are learning here will bless our posterity, and build the kingdom, in what ways we do not always know but we love Him and someday we will know. With Heidi's help I was able to finally balance out a weeks worth of financial books. An answer to prayer.
I have loved reading your posts. Both of you are such great examples and I look up to you both!! I am excited to share your adventures with the YW during girls camp. Thank you for your email sharing your testimonies.
ReplyDeleteAlison Garlick
I was thrilled to hear you are serving a mission! There is no doubt you are needed in your current assignment - I know your mission president must feel so blessed to have you serving there! May God Bless You!